It has been documented that the intestinal tract is inhabited by more than 1012 bacterial cells
per gram of dry matter (Hayashi et al., 2002a; Langendijk et al., 1995; Suau et al., 1999), which
is comprised of an estimated 400 to 500 bacterial species (Moor & Holdeman, 1974). The
composition and activities of the indigenous intestinal microbiota are of paramount
importance in human immunity, nutrition, and pathological processes, and therefore, the
health of the individual (Van der Waaij et al., 1971). It is well established that the intestine is an
important site of local immunity, and recent reports have suggested that it is a major site of
extrathymic T-cell differentiation (Cerf-Bensussan et al., 1985; Guy-Grand et al., 1991; Iiai eta
al., 2002; Uchiyama-Tanaka, 2009). Numerous activated and quiescent lymphocytes are
produced within gut-associated lymphatic tissues (GALT), such as Peyer’s patches (Takahashi
et al., 2005). Thus, it has been speculated that people who suffer from constipation and who
harbor fecal residues in the intestine may have decreased local immune system function.
Colonic irrigations referred to as colonics are a type of colonic hydrotherapy performed
using an instrument in combination with abdominal massage, but without drugs or
mechanical pressure. I previously reported that colonic irrigation may induce lymphocyte
transmigration from GALT into the circulation, which may improve the functions of both
the colon and the immune system (Uchiyama-Tanaka, 2009). Colonic irrigation was developed
about 40 years ago, and no serious complications associated with its use have been reported.
However, the impact of this method, which use a large amount of water, on the intestinal
microbiota and serum electrolytes remains unknown. In this study, colonic irrigations were
performed 3 times for each of the 10 subjects with no history of malignant or inflammatory